2023 going out with a bang

Abstract crepe myrtle with sky

Happy 2024 to all of my readers!

This is the last watercolour picture painted today and the following poem from the storm the day before.

Summer storm
Outside, deep air filled rumbles
Echoed by pre-breakfast stomach gurgles
Rapidly fading morning light rays’
Impeded by gloom grey clouds

Tinkle ping crash flash overhead
Panes rattle in frames
Storm’s expected to last for an hour
Stan pants, shaking on my lap
I type this on my phone with an index finger

Internet’s gone off, using mobile data
Light rain increasing to very heavy in thirty three minutes
The worst is yet to come

Drops pelt
Hammering heavily on the tin roof
High pitched whooshing increases ear pressure
Tinnitus swells

Stan lies rigidly vibrating
Momentarily stops awaiting the next sound
On it goes seldom slows

Then silence

Now distant grumbles

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