Is life about the journey rather than the destination?

Abstract ovoid bridge

I think it depends on how one measures the journey, in time or in distance. Also, there are many milestones and enjoyable deviations along life’s path.

26 years ago we moved from Birmingham, UK to Sydney, Australia, 17,034 km. The journey took three flights and a couple of nights’ stopover in Singapore. It is a distant memory.

When travelling, I prefer to get to where I am going as quickly as possible so that I can maximise the time at the destination.

In comparison to the UK, distances in Australia are gargantuan. The UK is about 965 km north to south. Our move from Sydney to Brisbane in 2018 was 1,000 km, a ten hours drive.

We continue to enjoy our shared highway of 30 years together in the UK and Australia. The ups and downs have brought us closer and reinforced our commitment to each other. We appreciate spending valuable time with our dear friends. The moments shared with them are like dazzling jewels along our road.

This week’s abstract watercolour fits in with the journeying theme. It was inspired by my husband suggesting overlapping ovoids might be interesting.

It took a number of weeks for the idea to sprout into a possibility. On plan it is a bridge made up of piles of alternating purple and green rock hoops topped with an orange capstone. I tried out the concept in Freeform on the iPhone and sketched it with coloured pencils before attempting to paint it free hand.

6 thoughts on “Is life about the journey rather than the destination?

  1. I like to think that life is a journey an adventure. There is no real destination, fate takes us all over the place, I certainly can say that of my life with Will.

    As for distances, Canada is like Australia, everything is long distance over 6 time zones.

  2. I believe it is viz. The Journey.

    Have you ever read one of my favorite poems Ithaka by Cavafy? There is a splendid reading by Sean Connery set to Vangelis on YouTube.

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