Travelling to reconnect

Dream state Airhead, watercolour, ink, salt

Around fifteen months ago, before moving from Brisbane to our new home, we caught up with friends over lunch.

We had not seen them for maybe a decade. They had moved from Sydney to Coffs Harbour via the Central Coast, New South Wales. We had lost contact. The lunch was like slipping into a favourite outfit. We were comfortable, relaxed, and happy to see each other.

Yesterday, my husband drove us to Dogs of Balmoral so that we could drop Stan off to spend a long weekend with a family that love him for who he is.

We drove on for a further two and a half hours from Queensland to a small town inland from Byron Bay. There we enjoyed lunch at Butcher Baker Bangalow before heading on for another two and a half hours, south to the beachside suburb of Korora, Coffs Harbour.

We are staying with the friends from Sydney, in their beautifully renovated house perched high enough to be able to gaze at the uppermost branches of the surrounding trees. We are told the sapphire blue of the ocean can be glimpsed on sunny days. Today showers and a bank of blue grey cloud dominate the scene.

It is as if we only caught up with them yesterday.

As Airhead above, slowly tumbles through a dream state our lives flux, shift, and we reconnect at a personal level. The jovial camaraderie embraces us like a warm blanket during this Winter in the Southern Hemisphere.

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