Flow freely

subtropic autumn

This week’s watercolour and ink painting is inspired by the autumnal colours of nature in the garden.

The following poem recounts the words that flooded my mind this morning as I made coffee; before starting to paint.

Flow freely

Refreshingly delicious fragrance

of freshly cut green blades springing back

after an autumnal shower

flow freely upon the softly caressing eastern breeze

wafting from bay to shore

drenched with less intense intermittent rays

between fast floating fluffy whites

illuminating tropical greens pinks purples reds oranges

and curling fronds swish as they wave

turning towards swaying saplings

with tantalising glimpses of ancient gargantuan branches

frantically rustling in their dance further inland

4 thoughts on “Flow freely

  1. Nice colors indeed! It still is hard to grasp half the world’s population (or thereabouts) is experiencing autumn just as the local spring colors are a-blooming.

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