Seasons shift

Abstract watercolour and ink painting from a few weeks ago

On Thursday, I was thrilled to receive lovely feedback about my paintings and poetry. I was inspired to wax lyrical, below is the result.

Seasons shift

The southern freeze hasn’t arrived, yet,
Stepping out into a chilly ten degrees
Elicits a soft billowy cloud.
Echoes abound in the pre-dawn inky silence,
Like deep squeak footsteps in snow.
A trail of taillights illuminate the
Trip from home to train.
Others whoosh past us on their daily paths.
Clearing the trees, the ice white edifice stands resolute.
It’s cold magnetism lures commuters into it’s depths.
Thankful for a black, long sleeved layer,
My thoughts link back to the dark decades,
Of deliberate anonymity and self discovery;
Uniformed in raglan and denim.
Compromise tempered the giving into temptation.
Onboard, the sleek serpentine capsule streaks,
Illuminating the slumbering surrounds.
The warmth of sms’ from home and online messages
Soften and brighten the journey as the seasons shift.

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